NITL visits Chinese Universities

(12 May 2010)

Since NITL was founded 12 years ago we have actively engaged in collaborative endeavours with both universities and industry worldwide (Europe, the US, Australasia and the Middle East). We firmly believe that without this international exchange of knowledge and ideas it is impossible to achieve excellence in SCM and logistics research and education. This is particularly true given the increasing globalisation of business and the concomitant emergence of more international supply chain configurations.

Consequently, NITL recently opened a new avenue of cooperation in China. DIT already has extensive experience of China, with collaborative ventures already established with several leading Chinese universities in many academic disciplines. NITL’s new initiative aims to build on this work by forging new links specifically in the transport, logistics and SCM fields. As part of this work, Antonio de Linares of NITL was a guest in 14 Chinese universities in Wuhan, Nanjing, Dalian and Beijing recently. The meetings addressed potential collaboration in research, the exchange of lecturers and students, and the possible development of new internationally focused learning programmes. SCM and logistics is hugely important in China with its strong focus on export-driven growth as the key driver of economic development. NITL sees this work as the beginning of a sustained collaboration with a country which has such a prominent role in global SCM.

1. Wuhan University of Technology.JPG

Antonio de Linares (NITL) delivers a presentation to students at Wuhan University of Technology


2. Hubei University.JPG
Antonio de Linares (NITL) pictured with senior academics from Hubei University


3. Beijing Institute of Technology.JPG
Dr. Robert Flood (Head of International Affairs DIT) and Antonio de Linares (NITL)
pictured with senior academics from Beijing Institute of Technology




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