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(09 May 2013)
Frances Pierce was presented with the prestigious award for best overall preformance in NITL’s portfolio of postgraduate supply chain management (SCM) programmes at the recent DIT College of Engineering and Built Environment annual awards evening. This award is open to all those who graduated from NITL’s full-time M.Sc. programme in SCM (DT351) or the Executive Supply Chain Masters (DT352) during 2012 and is sponsored by the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILT) in Ireland.
(17 Apr 2013)
NITL is delighted to once again be closely associated with the Supply Chain Conference and Awards 2013. Following the success of last year’s events, the conference and awards have been combined into a single event which will take place in the Crowne Plaza Northwood on June 20th.
(15 Apr 2013)
NITL was delighted to welcome a delegation from Linkoping University (LiU) in Sweden to Dublin recently. Dr. Daniel Nordigården and Dr. Jakob Rehme (pictured below with Edward Sweeney of NITL) are both based in the Department of Management and Engineering (Industrial Marketing Division) at LiU and are well known for their work in supply chain research.
(22 Mar 2013)
NITL has been announced as the winner in the Education category at the 2013 Irish Logistics and Transport Awards (ILTAs). This award is for the third level institute which offers the most innovative and relevant courses in the transport and logistics field. The ILTAs are the premier awards programme in the Irish logistics and supply chain arena and are run under the patronage of the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILT).
(15 Mar 2013)
NITL launched its online Knowledge Base in August 2011. The download statistics for 2012 have just become available and show a very high level of usage of this resource.
(11 Mar 2013)
NITL offers its congratulations to the first graduates from the innovative M.Sc. programme in Sustainability, Technology and Innovation.
(18 Feb 2013)
SCM World is the leading global community and think-tank for senior level supply chain executives and thought leaders. Hosting a dynamic and interactive annual programme of end-user and academic-led webinars, as well as events and research projects for its members, SCM World is the de-facto benchmark for forward-thinking supply chain leaders and their global teams to stay current through cutting edge content.
(12 Feb 2013)
NITL has been shortlisted in the Education category at the 2013 Irish Logistics and Transport Awards (ILTAs). This award is for the third level institute which offers the most innovative and relevant courses in the transport and logistics industry.
(16 Jan 2013)
In his first article of the new year, the well known supply chain blogger Ken Kinlock asks if “agile” will be the buzz word for 2013. He provides brief descriptions of the words “lean” and “agile” and discusses the relationships between them. An example from GE in Kentucky is used by way of illustration.
(14 Jan 2013)
NITL is delighted to announce that it has achieved formal Continuous Professional Development (CPD) accreditation for 17 of its most popular postgraduate modules. This allows individuals to attend one-off modules on a short-course basis and to achieve formal DIT certification and European Credit Transfer Scheme (ECTS) credits.